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In today’s video, I’ll show you my exploration/drilling strategy of maximizing campaign profits. With this strategy, you’ll be using two different types of campaigns synergistically to maximize your YouTube advertising profits.
I will show you how exploration/drilling strategy works on the examples in the practical walkthrough. I will give you recommendations on how to scale your campaigns with the results you have. Also, I will show you how this strategy works and how to implement it in your Google Ads account step-by-step.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve taken the first step towards mastering YouTube advertising. Just complete 1 module per week and all of the action steps, and you’ll be on track for success!
MY COMMITMENT: I commit to completing 1 module of this course per week, and completing ALL of the action steps for each video — no matter what comes up later. I know how valuable YouTube marketing skills are, and I know that making this commitment will be worth it later when I’m reaping the rewards.
In today’s video, I will go over how I organized this course. I’ve grouped the videos on similar topics together into modules. I recommend doing one module per week for optimal success. Also, I urge you to create a set weekly schedule to go over material and practice exercises, so you keep yourself on track. Creating a weekly schedule will help you be self-accountable, and I found it to produce the best results with the given time constraints of your busy life. Also, in my experience, I noticed that those who implement what they learned from my videos immediately, while the material is still fresh, excel in Ad Management faster than those who don’t.
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In today’s video, we will talk about the fundamentals behind YouTube advertising and Google Ads. This video is part 1, in which I will explain terms we will use through this course, what they mean and why they are essential. If you skip this video, you won’t understand what I mean in later videos using these terms.
In this video, I’ll talk about the vocabulary we use in Google Ads, how to access Google Ads data, and how to interpret it so you can make the best decisions for your account’s optimal success.
If you are already advertising with Google Ads, you can skip this video.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I’ll show you how to implement all the campaigns, ad groups, and ad settings we discussed in the last video in my account. I will also go over some top menu options you won’t use much, but it is good to know how and where to access them as your knowledge and business expand. Also, I will show you how to access specialized reports used by advanced advertisers, because of the size of their campaigns, their spending, and the number of ads.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I’ll show you how to set up your Google Ads columns in the same way I do in my accounts. I call this way of setting the columns a Black Belt formula. With this formula, you aren’t missing out on the most critical metrics that will give you a competitive edge. As we read from left to right, it is logical to set up the most vital columns starting from the left to the right. That way, you won’t be wasting any time looking at the data you don’t need.
I’ve created a Black Belt column setup formula because I found this specific order of columns to be most useful when making informed decisions.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, you will learn about different YouTube ad formats and how to use them. I’ll also go over each available type of ad on YouTube and also ad types you shouldn’t use. I will walk you through exactly when to use each type, how to use them, and why each ad format works best in specific situations. Today’s video is an essential one, so if you are a beginner marketer, please don’t skip it. It will be a costly mistake for your business.Â
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I will walk you through campaign settings that control your ad campaigns’ critical characteristics. If your campaign settings are set correctly and intentionally, your campaigns will be profitable. You should set up a naming convention that will help you find your campaigns quickly, and you will make the best decisions without wasting time looking for a specific campaign.
In the practical walkthrough, I will show you how to set up a new, most commonly used campaign and all of its’ settings. It is a tricky part, and without knowing exact steps, mistakes can happen, so pay close attention. One of the most critical settings on the campaign level is demographic exclusions. With demographic exclusions, you set up your campaigns to show your ads only to your potential customer.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I will show you how to set up and use different remarketing lists for your Google Ads remarketing campaigns. Remarketing lists and campaigns give you another opportunity to optimize your campaigns by targeting your highest-value prospects. These campaigns, when done right, can be your most profitable ones. Remarketing is a great way to interact with people who already interacted with your brand by visiting your website, watching your ads, or purchasing your product or service.Â
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, we will talk about setting up your conversion tracking within your Google Ads account. It’s important you watch today’s video because accurate conversion tracking will make it much easier to build profitable campaigns. And if you don’t have accurate conversion tracking set up, it will be nearly impossible to build profitable ad campaigns. Since your conversions are what your CPA (Cost Per Action) campaigns are optimized on, it’s essential this data is accurate so that way Google’s learning algorithms work properly for you.
At the end of this video, I’ll walk you through exactly how to set up your conversion tracking in your Google Ads account. Some items I’ll cover in the walkthrough include:
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, we’re going to talk about Customer Lifetime Value and how to use it to make your ad campaigns more profitable. Today’s video is a very important one, and it’s going to help you a ton with your Google Ads bidding. Make sure to watch it all the way through!
Customer Lifetime Value, or LTV, is your estimate of how much money you’ll make from a customer from ALL transactions they’ll make over the next few years. When you know your lifetime value, it gives you a big advantage over advertisers who don’t know these numbers, and who are bidding just based on the immediate revenue they’re making from advertising.
Here are the details of what we’ll be covering in this video…
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, we will talk about targeting your ads and the Targeting Ladder scaling strategy. The Targeting Ladder is a method of scaling your campaigns and by the right targeting at the right time.Â
Here is the Targeting Ladder:
To scale your campaigns, you’ll start with the most granular, highest ROI, least scalable targeting options at the bottom of the Ladder. Once you make the easiest targeting profitable, you’ll then ascend the ladder into broader and more scalable targeting options.
Of course, sometimes you should go outside this Ladder if you are an experienced marketer who sees the opportunity outside the Ladder.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I’ll go through advanced remarketing tactics. Or as I like to call them, Ninja remarketing tactics. I talked about some basic remarketing tactics, like making remarketing lists and setting up essential remarketing campaigns in the previous videos. But you should not stop there. With my Ninja Google Ads advances remarketing practices you’ll be able to pull profit out of the seemingly doomed campaigns.
I have seen advanced remarketing tactics produce more than half of the profit in the accounts I manage. And they will give you better ROI than basic remarketing techniques. Many marketers don’t use remarketing, so you are a step ahead of them, even with basic remarketing.
Remarketing will never be a sizeable amount of your account spend, but it can be a significant percentage of your profits – it is a big deal, so don’t skip this video.
In this video, I will show you how to set up sophisticated remarketing campaigns so that you can make more significant profits.
There are few remarketing lists you should make: website remarketing lists, Customer Match, and YouTube based remarketing lists. I’ll show you step by step how to create and monetize them.
YouTube remarketing lists are often underutilized, and it’s hard to monetize them if you don’t know the right techniques. In this video, l will show you strategies on how you can successfully monetize them.
At 44:58, I will show you a practical walkthrough of everything I covered in this video in my existing account. You cannot miss this crucial part because it will minimize the chances of error.
You will target inactive and active prospects and customers in separate ad groups. I recommend targeting them separately because the active email lists have a chance of producing results.
I will show you why content-driven ads produce the best results in Video Discovery campaigns. Also, I will show you the best thumbnails to use in these ads that I know will make up to 80% of your results. Next, I will go over the headlines to use in these ads. Headlines should connect to your product. For example, if you are promoting muscle building product, your headline could be Three Tips For Building Muscle.
Your thumbnails are critical part of Video Discovery campaigns, and should have an image of your spokesperson or product when possible. It builds trust in your brand. Also, test out branded headlines because those that have seen your ads before will be familiar with your brand, and have a higher chance of a conversion.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I will talk about the Ten Pillars of excellent campaign management. I think of steps to great Ad Management as pillars holding the structure together. You have to consistent and build a solid structure that you can rely on in the future. Also, you should designate a specific amount of time weekly to spend on your Google Ads account based on each week’s account spending.Â
When spending money on advertising, determine your “pause threshold” as a starting point so you do not pause campaigns too quickly. By pausing ad groups or campaigns too swiftly and not having a visible threshold, you’ll miss out on potential profit. Sometimes, if your campaign spends just under the budget now, leave it running as it can be profitable in the long run. In the practical walkthrough, I will guide you on navigating pause filters and how you can use them based on your settings for maximum optimization of your ads and campaigns.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, we talk about the next Pillars in the Ten Pillars video series, so pay close attention. The next Pillars are about split testing. Split testing is the process of running two ads against the same targeting and seeing which one performs better. If you can master split testing, it will add tremendously to your campaign success and distinguish you from the competition.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, we will talk about the last four Pillars of great campaign management that focus on expanding your campaigns. I will show you how you can leverage your small wins with the expansion of your campaigns into considerable profits in the right way. Expansion of the campaigns is vital to make up for the paused ad groups and grow your campaigns.
Today’s video will focus on how to expand and scale up your campaigns. Expansion is a critical skill because you can turn a small profit into a huge profit if you’re good at scaling up campaigns. And if you don’t know how to scale your campaigns, you’ll get some tiny wins in your account — but you’ll never be able to turn them into large-scale, sustainable campaigns.
I will show you how to access all the settings and reports you need to expand your campaigns in my account at 11:24. You must know where the settings and reports are located to expand your account, so stay tuned.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I’ll talk about avoiding getting your account suspended or having your sites banned by Google. Google has stringent policies that they expect their advertisers to follow. Google has a whole policy team that you should acquaint yourself with, and learn how to utilize them.Â
If you don’t learn about Policy, all of your work on your marketing campaigns might be for nothing when your account gets deleted. But if you watch this video and implement what you learn, you can decimate your risk of getting your account or sites banned. Google has a whole team of reps that work on their dedicated accounts and help resolve issues. You should absolutely get a Google Ads rep to help you navigate in case your ads get disapproved, or your account gets suspended. I will walk you through a few steps you should do to get your Google Ads rep in today’s video.
Today’s video will help you work around the potential issues and avoid your account getting suspended or banned from YouTube. Google is very strict, and you cannot afford to skip today’s video.
Read through Misrepresentation policy, Sensitive Events policy, and any other policy applicable to your account.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, we will go over Sequential Remarketing Campaigns. They are YouTube InStream campaigns that show ads in a specific order and can produce anywhere from 50 to 100% more profit. Sequential Remarketing Campaigns are campaigns that take your customer on the buying journey through your funnel. You can advertise multiple offers to your remarketing audiences to secure better engagement and profit. You always start with a video that establishes you as an authority. Follow with a sequence of videos with slightly different offers.
When you are using Sequential Remarketing Campaigns, you should start with your most engaging ads. To find the ads with the most engagement you should use Google Analytics and the reports you can find there. I will show you where video reports are in advanced settings and how to use them to optimize your benefits.
Also, I will show you how I choose the most engaging videos in my account in a practical step-by-step way to make the best decision in your account.
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, I will show you how to create modern branding campaigns that drive sales with minimum ad spending. There is a significant distinction between traditional and modern branding. I believe that modern branding produces far more quality results. Managing your branding campaigns is vital to your business. I will show you when, how often, how much to spend on your campaigns, and when to do split testing. Also, I will show you how, when, and why you should pause ads out in modern branding campaigns. I will go over how to swap paused ads with new ones.Â
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
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In today’s video, we will talk about how to turn your YouTube profits into passive income. As you are building your YouTube advertising, manage your campaigns yourself initially. Still, as your business grows, hire an employee, agency, or contractor expert in the field. They will manage your campaigns for you, while you collect the profits (passive income). With passive income from YouTube, you will have more money to reinvest into your business and create even more income.Â
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com
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Congratulations! You have made it to the last video in this course. You are now a marketer with advanced YouTube advertising skills. But I still get asked few same questions by those who took this course. I will answer them in today’s video.
Here are the questions I will answer:
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
In this coaching call with Black Belt students, we discuss:
If you have any questions about today’s video, email us at support@socialresponsemarketing.com.
You've given yourself a HUGE advantage over other advertisers by buying this course, and implementing what you learn. But to take your YouTube ad game to the next level, I recommend talking with one of the YouTube advertising experts on my team.
Before the call, my team will look over your website, your ads, and any existing campaigns you have. They'll give you a few quick, actionable tips that you can implement immediately to start improving your campaigns. Then, they'll outline a long term strategy that you can follow to take your YouTube ads to the next level.
If you qualify for coaching or ad management programs, the coach will also explain how that will work on the call. And if you qualify, you'll get the chance to start working with us directly at a discount.
We sell this call for $397 to non-members, but now offering them FREE with the purchase of YouTube Ad Management Black Belt.